Source code for pypozyx.lib

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""pypozyx.lib - Contains core and extended Pozyx user functionality through the PozyxLib class."""

from time import sleep
from pypozyx.core import PozyxCore
from pypozyx.definitions import (PozyxBitmasks, PozyxRegisters, PozyxConstants, POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE,
                                 POZYX_TIMEOUT, ERROR_MESSAGES)
from pypozyx.structures.device import NetworkID, UWBSettings, DeviceList, Coordinates, RXInfo, DeviceCoordinates, FilterData, AlgorithmData
from pypozyx.structures.generic import Data, SingleRegister, dataCheck
from pypozyx.structures.sensor_data import PositioningData, RangeInformation

from warnings import warn

[docs]class Device(object): def __init__(self, id_): self._id = id_ self._firmware_version = None @property def firmware_version(self): return self._firmware_version @firmware_version.setter def firmware_version(self, new_firmware_version): if dataCheck(new_firmware_version): self._firmware_version = new_firmware_version[0] else: self._firmware_version = new_firmware_version
[docs] def has_firmware_version(self): return self._firmware_version is not None
[docs] def has_cloud_firmware(self): if not self.has_firmware_version(): print("Device 0x%0.4x has no firmware version" % (self._id)) return self._firmware_version > 0x11
def __str__(self): if self._id is None: return "local device" else: return "device with ID 0x%0.4x" % self._id
[docs]class PozyxLib(PozyxCore): """Implements the functionality users expect from Pozyx, using the methods from PozyxCore to communicate and interface with Pozyx both locally and remotely. This does not limit itself to positioning, ranging, and reading the sensor data of the various Pozyx sensors, but also features an assortment of troubleshooting functions, abstractions of frequently used registers, UWB settings, etc. Unlike the Arduino library, this isn't divided into parts such as 'device functions', 'system functions', etc, but will be in the future. For now, the Arduino library should work as a great reference. """ def __init__(self): super(PozyxLib, self).__init__() self._device_mesh = dict()
[docs] def addIdToDeviceMesh(self, id_=None): if id_ in self._device_mesh: if self._device_mesh[id_].has_firmware_version(): return else: self._device_mesh[id_] = Device(id_) device = self._device_mesh[id_] firmware_version = SingleRegister() status = self.getFirmwareVersion(firmware_version, id_) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: device.firmware_version = firmware_version else: print("Could not obtain firmware version for {}".format(device)) return status
# \addtogroup system_functions # @{
[docs] def setSensorMode(self, sensor_mode, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's sensor mode. Args: sensor_mode: New sensor mode. See PozyxRegisters.SENSORS_MODE register. integer sensor_mode or SingleRegister(sensor_mode). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(sensor_mode): sensor_mode = SingleRegister(sensor_mode) if sensor_mode[0] < 0 or sensor_mode[0] > 12: warn("setSensorMode: mode {} not valid".format(sensor_mode)) status = self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.SENSORS_MODE, sensor_mode, remote_id) # legacy delay? sleep(PozyxConstants.DELAY_MODE_CHANGE) return status
[docs] def resetSystem(self, remote_id=None): """Resets the Pozyx device. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.RESET_SYSTEM, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def saveRegisters(self, registers, remote_id=None): """Saves the given registers to the Pozyx's flash memory, if these are writable registers. This means that upon reset, the Pozyx will use these saved values instead of the default values. This is especially practical when changing UWB settings of an entire network, making it unnecessary to re - set these when resetting or repowering a device.\n DISCLAIMER: Make sure to not abuse this function in your code, as the flash memory only has a finite number of writecycles available, adhere to the Arduino's mentality in using flash memory. Args: registers: Registers to save to the flash memory. Data([register1, register2, ...]) or [register1, register2, ...] These registers have to be writable. Saving the UWB gain is currently not working. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.saveConfiguration( PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_REGISTERS, registers, remote_id)
[docs] def getNumRegistersSaved(self, remote_id=None): """Obtains the number of registers saved to the Pozyx's flash memory. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: The number of saved registers. """ details = Data([0] * 20) if self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.GET_FLASH_DETAILS, data=details, remote_id=remote_id) == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE number_of_saved_registers = 0 for i in range(20): for j in range(8): number_of_saved_registers += (details[i] >> j) & 0x1 return number_of_saved_registers
[docs] def isRegisterSaved(self, register_address, remote_id=None): """Returns whether the given register is saved to the Pozyx's flash memory. Args: register_address: Register address to check if saved remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: 1 if the register is saved, 0 if it's not. """ details = Data([0] * 20) if self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.GET_FLASH_DETAILS, data=details, remote_id=remote_id) == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE byte_num = int(register_address / 8) bit_num = register_address % 8 return (details[byte_num] >> bit_num) & 0x1
[docs] def getSavedRegisters(self, remote_id=None): details = Data([0] * 20) if self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.GET_FLASH_DETAILS, data=details, remote_id=remote_id) == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE return details
[docs] def setConfigGPIO(self, gpio_num, mode, pull, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's selected GPIO pin configuration(mode and pull). Args: gpio_num: GPIO pin number, 1 to 4. mode: GPIO configuration mode. integer mode or SingleRegister(mode) pull: GPIO configuration pull. integer pull or SingleRegister(pull) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(mode): mode = SingleRegister(mode) if not dataCheck(pull): pull = SingleRegister(pull) if not 1 <= gpio_num <= 4: warn("setConfigGPIO: GPIO number {} not in range".format(gpio_num)) if mode[0] in PozyxConstants.ALL_GPIO_MODES: warn("setConfigGPIO: {} wrong GPIO mode".format(mode[0])) if pull[0] in PozyxConstants.ALL_GPIO_PULLS: warn("setConfigGPIO: {} wrong GPIO pull".format(pull[0])) gpio_register = PozyxRegisters.CONFIG_GPIO_1 + gpio_num - 1 mask = Data([mode[0] + (pull[0] << 3)]) return self.setWrite(gpio_register, mask, remote_id)
[docs] def setGPIO(self, gpio_num, value, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's selected GPIO pin output. Args: gpio_num: GPIO pin number, 1 to 4 value: GPIO output value, either HIGH(1) or LOW(0). Physically, 3.3V or 0V. integer value or SingleRegister(value). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(value): value = SingleRegister(value) if not 1 <= gpio_num <= 4: warn("setGPIO: GPIO number {} not in range".format(gpio_num)) if value[0] < 0 or value[0] > 1: warn("setGPIO: wrong value {}, please choose integer 1 (HIGH) or 0 (LOW)".format(value[0])) gpio_register = PozyxRegisters.GPIO_1 + gpio_num - 1 return self.setWrite(gpio_register, value, remote_id)
[docs] def setLed(self, led_num, state, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's selected LED state. Args: led_num: LED pin number, 1 to 4 state: LED output state. Boolean. True = on and False = off, you can use POZYX_LED_ON and POZYX_LED_OFF instead. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not 1 <= led_num <= 4: warn("setLed: LED number {} not in range".format(led_num)) if not (state is True or state is False): warn("setLed: wrong state {}, please choose boolean True or False".format(state)) params = Data([0x1 << (led_num - 1 + 4) | ((state << led_num - 1) % 256)]) return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.LED_CONTROL, params, None, remote_id)
[docs] def clearConfiguration(self, remote_id=None): """Clears the Pozyx's flash memory. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.RESET_FLASH_MEMORY, remote_id=remote_id) if status == POZYX_FAILURE: print("Error clearing the flash memory") return status # give the device some time to clear the flash memory sleep(PozyxConstants.DELAY_FLASH) return status
[docs] def configInterruptPin(self, pin_number=0, mode=0, active_high=False, latch=False, remote_id=None): """Configures the interrupt pin via the PozyxRegisters.INTERRUPT_PIN register. Args: pin_number (optional): The Pozyx's pin ID. 1 to 4 on anchor, 1 to 6 on tag. 0 means no pin. SingleRegister or integer. mode (optional): Push-pull (0) or pull (1). SingleRegister or integer. SingleRegister or integer. active_high (optional): Is the interrupt voltage active high or low. Boolean. latch (optional): Is the interrupt a short pulse or latch till read? Boolean. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if dataCheck(pin_number): pin_number = pin_number[0] if dataCheck(mode): mode = mode[0] if not 0 <= pin_number <= 6: warn('Error: Pin number {} is invalid, should be between 0 and 6'.format(pin_number)) if not mode == 0 or mode == 1: warn("Error: Mode {} is invalid, should be 0 (PUSH-PULL) or 1 (PULL).".format(mode)) int_config = SingleRegister(pin_number + (mode << 3) + (active_high << 4) + (latch << 5)) self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.INTERRUPT_PIN, int_config, remote_id)
[docs] def getWhoAmI(self, who_am_i, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's WHO_AM_I. Args: who_am_i: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.WHO_AM_I, who_am_i, remote_id)
[docs] def getFirmwareVersion(self, firmware, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's firmware version. Args: firmware: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.FIRMWARE_VERSION, firmware, remote_id)
[docs] def getHardwareVersion(self, hardware, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's hardware version. Args: hardware: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.HARDWARE_VERSION, hardware, remote_id)
[docs] def getSelftest(self, selftest, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's selftest. Args: selftest: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.SELFTEST_RESULT, selftest, remote_id)
[docs] def getErrorCode(self, error_code, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's error code. Args: error_code: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.ERROR_CODE, error_code, remote_id)
[docs] def getCalibrationStatus(self, calibration_status, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's calibration status. Args: calibration_status: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.CALIBRATION_STATUS, calibration_status, remote_id)
[docs] def getDeviceDetails(self, system_details, remote_id=None): """ Args: system_details: Container for the read data. DeviceDetails. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getWhoAmI(system_details, remote_id=remote_id) if is None: if remote_id is None: network_id = NetworkID() status &= self.getNetworkId(network_id) = else: = remote_id return status
[docs] def getInterruptMask(self, mask, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's interrupt mask. Args: mask: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.INTERRUPT_MASK, mask, remote_id)
[docs] def getConfigModeGPIO(self, gpio_num, mode, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's configuration mode of the selected GPIO pin. Args: gpio_num: GPIO pin number, 1 to 4. mode: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getGPIO, getConfigPullGPIO """ if not 1 <= gpio_num <= 4: warn("getConfigModeGPIO: GPIO number {} not in range".format(gpio_num)) gpio_register = PozyxRegisters.CONFIG_GPIO_1 + gpio_num - 1 status = self.getRead(gpio_register, mode, remote_id) mode[0] &= 0x7 return status
[docs] def getConfigPullGPIO(self, gpio_num, pull, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's selected GPIO pin pull. Args: gpio_num: GPIO pin number, 1 to 4. pull: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getGPIO, getConfigModeGPIO """ if not 1 <= gpio_num <= 4: warn("getConfigPullGPIO: GPIO number {} not in range".format(gpio_num)) gpio_register = PozyxRegisters.CONFIG_GPIO_1 + gpio_num - 1 status = self.getRead(gpio_register, pull, remote_id) pull[0] = (pull[0] & 0x18) >> 3 return status
[docs] def getGPIO(self, gpio_num, value, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's value of the selected GPIO pin, being either HIGH or LOW(physically 3.3V or 0V). Args: gpio_num: GPIO pin number, 1 to 4. value: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getConfigPullGPIO, getConfigModeGPIO """ if not 1 <= gpio_num <= 4: warn("getGPIO: GPIO number {} not in range".format(gpio_num)) gpio_register = PozyxRegisters.GPIO_1 + gpio_num - 1 return self.getRead(gpio_register, value, remote_id)
[docs] def getErrorMessage(self, error_code): """Returns the system error string for the given error code Args: error_code: Error code for which to return the error message. int or SingleRegister Returns: string with error description See Also: getErrorCode, getSystemError """ if dataCheck(error_code): error_code = error_code.value return ERROR_MESSAGES.get(error_code, "Unknown error 0x%0.02x" % error_code)
[docs] def getSystemError(self, remote_id=None): """Returns the Pozyx's system error string. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: string with error description See Also: getErrorCode, getErrorMessage """ error_code = SingleRegister() status = self.getErrorCode(error_code, remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return self.getErrorMessage(error_code) return "Error: couldn't retrieve error from device."
[docs] def setInterruptMask(self, mask, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's interrupt mask. Args: mask: Interrupt mask. See PozyxRegisters.INTERRUPT_MASK register. integer mask or SingleRegister(mask) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(mask): mask = SingleRegister(mask) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.INTERRUPT_MASK, mask, remote_id)
[docs] def setLedConfig(self, config, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's LED configuration. Args: config: LED configuration. See PozyxRegisters.LED_CONFIGURATION register. integer configuration or SingleRegister(configuration) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(config): config = SingleRegister(config) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.LED_CONFIGURATION, config, remote_id)
## @} ## \addtogroup positioning_functions # @{
[docs] def saveAnchorIds(self, remote_id=None): """Saves the anchor IDs used in positioning to the Pozyx's flash memory. This means that upon reset, the Pozyx won't need to be recalibrated before performing positioning. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ self.saveConfiguration(PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_ANCHOR_IDS, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def getUpdateInterval(self, ms, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's update interval. Args: ms: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_INTERVAL, ms, remote_id)
[docs] def getRangingProtocol(self, protocol, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's ranging protocol Args: protocol: Container for the read protocol data. SingleRegister or Data([0]) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.RANGING_PROTOCOL, protocol, remote_id)
[docs] def setRangingProtocolFast(self, remote_id=None): return self.setRangingProtocol(PozyxConstants.RANGE_PROTOCOL_FAST, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setRangingProtocolPrecision(self, remote_id=None): return self.setRangingProtocol(PozyxConstants.RANGE_PROTOCOL_PRECISION, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setRangingProtocol(self, protocol, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's ranging protocol. Args: protocol: the new ranging protocol. See PozyxRegisters.RANGING_PROTOCOL register. integer or SingleRegister(protocol) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(protocol): protocol = SingleRegister(protocol) if not 0 <= protocol[0] <= 1: warn("setRangingProtocol: wrong protocol {}".format(protocol[0])) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.RANGING_PROTOCOL, protocol, remote_id)
[docs] def getPositionAlgorithm(self, algorithm, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's positioning algorithm. Args: algorithm: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM, algorithm, remote_id) algorithm[0] &= 0xF return status
[docs] def getPositionDimension(self, dimension, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's positioning dimension. Args: dimension: Container the for read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM, dimension, remote_id) dimension[0] = (dimension[0] & 0x30) >> 4 return status
[docs] def getAnchorSelectionMode(self, mode, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's anchor selection mode. Args: mode: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_NUMBER_OF_ANCHORS, mode, remote_id) mode[0] = (mode[0] & 0x80) >> 7 return status
[docs] def getNumberOfAnchors(self, nr_anchors, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's number of selected anchors. Args: nr_anchors: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_NUMBER_OF_ANCHORS, nr_anchors, remote_id) nr_anchors[0] &= 0xF return status
[docs] def getOperationMode(self, mode, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's mode of operation. Args: mode: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.OPERATION_MODE, mode, remote_id)
[docs] def getCoordinates(self, coordinates, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's coordinates. These are either set manually or by positioning. Args: coordinates: Container for the read data. Coordinates(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITION_X, coordinates, remote_id)
[docs] def getHeight(self, height, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's height coordinate. Args: height: Container for the read height data. Data([0], 'i'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITION_Z, height, remote_id)
[docs] def getPositionError(self, positioning_error, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's positioning error. Args: positioning_error: Container for the read data. PositionError(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_ERROR_X, positioning_error, remote_id)
[docs] def getPositioningAnchorIds(self, anchors, remote_id=None): """Obtain the IDs of the anchors in the Pozyx's device list used for positioning. You need to make sure to know how many anchors are used, as an incorrect size of anchors will cause the function to fail. Use getNumberOfAnchors to know this number. Args: anchors: Container for the read data. DeviceList(list_size=size) or Data([0] * size, 'H' * size). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getAnchorIds, getTagIds, getDeviceIds Example: >> > list_size = SingleRegister() >> > self.getNumberOfAnchors(list_size) >> > anchor_list = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) >> > self.getPositioningAnchorIds(anchor_list) >> > print(anchor_list) '0x6720, 0x6811, 0x6891' """ # TODO remove this check altogether in 2.0 if not 0 < len(anchors) <= 16: warn("getPositioningAnchorIds: Anchor number out of range, use between 0-10 anchors") device_list_size = SingleRegister() status = self.getDeviceListSize(device_list_size, remote_id) if len(anchors) < device_list_size[0] or status == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.GET_POSITIONING_ANCHOR_IDS, Data([]), anchors, remote_id)
[docs] def getDeviceRangeInfo(self, device_id, device_range, remote_id=None): """Obtain the range information of the device with selected ID in the Pozyx's device list. Args: device_id: ID of desired device whose range measurement is of interest. NetworkID() or Data([ID], 'H') or integer ID. device_range: Container for the read data. DeviceRange(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(device_id): device_id = NetworkID(device_id) if device_id[0] < 0 or device_id[0] > 0xFFFF: warn("getDeviceRangeInfo: device ID should be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF, not {}".format(device_id[0])) return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_RANGE_INFO, device_id, device_range, remote_id)
[docs] def setUpdateInterval(self, ms, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's update interval in ms(milliseconds). Args: ms: Update interval in ms. integer ms or SingleRegister(ms, size=2) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(ms): ms = SingleRegister(ms, size=2) if not 100 < ms[0] <= 60000: warn("setUpdateInterval: ms not 100 < ms < 60000, is {}".format(ms[0])) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_INTERVAL, ms, remote_id)
[docs] def setCoordinates(self, coordinates, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's coordinates. Args: coordinates: Desired Pozyx coordinates. Coordinates() or [x, y, z]. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(coordinates): coordinates = Coordinates( coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITION_X, coordinates, remote_id)
[docs] def setHeight(self, height, remote_id=None): """Sets the Pozyx device's height. Args: height: Desired Pozyx height. integer height or Data([height], 'i'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(height): height = Data([height], 'i') return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITION_Z, height, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositioningFilterNone(self, remote_id=None): return self.setPositionFilter(PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_NONE, SingleRegister(), remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositioningFilterFIR(self, filter_strength, remote_id=None): return self.setPositionFilter(PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_FIR, filter_strength, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositioningFilterMovingMedian(self, filter_strength, remote_id=None): return self.setPositionFilter(PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_MOVING_MEDIAN, filter_strength, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositioningFilterMovingAverage(self, filter_strength, remote_id=None): return self.setPositionFilter(PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_MOVING_AVERAGE, filter_strength, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositionFilter(self, filter_type, filter_strength, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's positioning filter. Note that currently only PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_MOVING_AVERAGE, PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_MOVING_MEDIAN and PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPE_FIR are implemented. Args: filter_type: Positioning filter type. Integer or SingleRegister. filter_strength: Positioning filter strength. Integer or SingleRegister. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(filter_strength): filter_strength = SingleRegister(filter_strength) if not dataCheck(filter_type): filter_type = SingleRegister(filter_type) if not filter_type[0] in PozyxConstants.FILTER_TYPES: warn("setPositionFilter: invalid filter type {}".format(filter_type[0])) if not 0 <= filter_strength[0] <= 15: warn("setPositionFilter: invalid strength {}, keep between 0 and 15".format(filter_strength[0])) params = Data([filter_type[0] + (filter_strength[0] << 4)]) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_FILTER, params, remote_id)
[docs] def getPositionFilterData(self, filter_data, remote_id=None): """**NEW**! Get the positioning filter data. Use FilterData if you want to have a ready to go container for this data. Args: filter_data: Container for filter data. SingleRegister or FilterData remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Example: >>> pozyx = PozyxLib() # PozyxSerial has PozyxLib's functions, just for generality >>> filter_data = FilterData() >>> pozyx.getPositionFilter(filter_data) >>> print(filter_data) # "Moving average filter with strength 10" >>> print(filter_data.get_filter_name()) # "Moving average filter" >>> print(filter_data.filter_type) # "3" >>> print(filter_data.filter_strength()) # "10" Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_FILTER, filter_data, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def getPositionFilterStrength(self, remote_id=None): """**NEW**! Get the positioning filter strength. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ filter_data = FilterData() status = self.getPositionFilterData(filter_data, remote_id=remote_id) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: warn("Wasn't able to get filter data, returning -1 as strength") return -1 return filter_data.filter_strength
[docs] def setPositionAlgorithmNormal(self, remote_id=None): dimension = SingleRegister() self.getPositionDimension(dimension, remote_id=remote_id) return self.setPositionAlgorithm(PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_UWB_ONLY, dimension, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositionAlgorithmTracking(self, remote_id=None): dimension = SingleRegister() self.getPositionDimension(dimension, remote_id=remote_id) return self.setPositionAlgorithm(PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_TRACKING, dimension, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setPositionAlgorithm(self, algorithm, dimension, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's positioning algorithm. Note that currently only PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_UWB_ONLY and PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_TRACKING are implemented. Args: algorithm: Positioning algorithm. integer algorithm or SingleRegister(algorithm). dimension: Positioning dimension. integer dimension or SingleRegister(dimension). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(algorithm): algorithm = SingleRegister(algorithm) if not dataCheck(dimension): dimension = SingleRegister(dimension) if not algorithm[0] in PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHMS: warn("setPositionAlgorithm: wrong algorithm {}".format(algorithm[0])) if not dimension[0] in PozyxConstants.DIMENSIONS: warn("setPositionAlgorithm: wrong dimension {}".format(dimension[0])) params = Data([algorithm[0] + (dimension[0] << 4)]) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM, params, remote_id)
[docs] def setSelectionOfAnchorsAutomatic(self, number_of_anchors, remote_id=None): return self.setSelectionOfAnchors(PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_SELECT_AUTO, number_of_anchors, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setSelectionOfAnchorsManual(self, number_of_anchors, remote_id=None): return self.setSelectionOfAnchors(PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_SELECT_MANUAL, number_of_anchors, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def setSelectionOfAnchors(self, mode, number_of_anchors, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's coordinates. Args: mode: Anchor selection mode. integer mode or SingleRegister(mode). number_of_anchors (int, SingleRegister): Number of anchors used in positioning. integer nr_anchors or SingleRegister(nr_anchors). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(mode): mode = SingleRegister(mode) if not dataCheck(number_of_anchors): number_of_anchors = SingleRegister(number_of_anchors) if not (mode[0] == PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_SELECT_MANUAL or mode[0] == PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_SELECT_AUTO): warn("setSelectionOfAnchors: wrong mode {}".format(mode[0])) if not 2 < number_of_anchors[0] <= 16: warn("setSelectionOfAnchors: number of anchors {} not in range 3-16".format(number_of_anchors[0])) params = Data([(mode[0] << 7) + number_of_anchors[0]]) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_NUMBER_OF_ANCHORS, params, remote_id)
[docs] def setPositioningAnchorIds(self, anchors, remote_id=None): """Set the anchors the Pozyx will use for positioning. Args: anchors: List of anchors that'll be used for positioning. DeviceList() or [anchor_id1, anchor_id2, ...] remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(anchors): anchors = DeviceList(anchors) if not 0 < len(anchors) <= 10: warn("setPositioningAnchorIds: size {} not in range 1-10".format(len(anchors))) return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.SET_POSITIONING_ANCHOR_IDS, anchors, None, remote_id)
[docs] def doRanging(self, destination_id, device_range, remote_id=None): """Performs ranging with another destination device, resulting in range information. This is pretty straightforward, the range information consists of the following: - the timestamp of the range measurement. - the distance between the local / remote tag and the destination - the RSS, which indicates the signal strength between origin and destination. While in the Arduino library doRemoteRanging is used for remote ranging, this function follows the library's convention to add remote_id as a keyword argument. Make sure that the destination is on the same UWB settings as this, and to pass a DeviceRange object for the device_range parameter. For an in-action example, check the "Ready to range" tutorial on the Pozyx homepage(, and the example found in this library's tutorial folder. Args: destination_id: Network ID of the destination, to perform ranging with. integer ID or NetworkID(ID) device_range: Container for device range measurement data. DeviceRange object. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(destination_id): destination_id = NetworkID(destination_id) if destination_id[0] < 0 or destination_id[0] > 0xFFFF: warn("Destination ID should be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF, not {}".format(destination_id[0])) self.clearInterruptStatus() int_flag = PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_FUNC if remote_id is not None: int_flag = PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_RX_DATA status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.DO_RANGING, destination_id, Data([]), remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: status = self.checkForFlag(int_flag, PozyxConstants.DELAY_INTERRUPT) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: self.getDeviceRangeInfo(destination_id, device_range, remote_id) return status return POZYX_FAILURE
[docs] def doRangingSlave(self, destination_id, device_range): """Checks whether the device has ranged and if so, reads the range. This is useful for slave devices with a controller that needs to know the range measurements too Args: destination_id: Network ID of the destination, to perform ranging with. integer ID or NetworkID(ID) device_range: Container for device range measurement data. DeviceRange object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(destination_id): destination_id = NetworkID(destination_id) if destination_id[0] < 0 or destination_id[0] > 0xFFFF: warn("Destination ID should be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF, not {}".format(destination_id[0])) status = self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_MASK_FUNC, PozyxConstants.DELAY_INTERRUPT) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: self.getDeviceRangeInfo(destination_id, device_range) return status
[docs] def doPositioning(self, position, dimension=PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_3D, height=Data([0], 'i'), algorithm=None, remote_id=None, timeout=None): """Performs positioning with the Pozyx. This is probably why you're using Pozyx. This function only performs the positioning and doesn't take care of the previous steps required to get this operational, so be sure to adhere to this checklist: - while you can perform automatic calibration, manual calibration is much more stable and reliable. - when using manual calibration, add all anchors using addDevice. - all anchors are on the same UWB settings as the device performing positioning. - if you're using more than four anchors, be sure to set this with setSelectionOfAnchors. Basic troubleshooting: - try to perform ranging with all devices - are you using a Coordinates object for your position? - if you perform getDeviceListSize and subsequently getDeviceIds, are these your anchors? While in the Arduino library doRemotePositioning is used for remote ranging, this function follows the library's convention to add remote_id as a keyword argument. For an in-action example, check the "Ready to localize" tutorial on the Pozyx homepage(, and the example found in this library's tutorial folder. Args: position: Container for the positioning coordinates. Coordinates object. dimension (optional): Dimension to perform positioning in. Default 3D. When 2.5D, make sure height is also passed along. height (optional): Height of Pozyx in 2.5D positioning. Default 0. Either integer height or Data([height], 'i'). algorithm (optional): Algorithm set before positioning. No new algorithm is set by default. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Local Pozyx is used when None or omitted. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if algorithm not in [PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_UWB_ONLY, PozyxConstants.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM_TRACKING, None]: warn("doPositioning: not existing algorithm {}".format(algorithm)) if dimension not in [PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_3D, PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_2D, PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_2_5D]: warn("doPositioning: not existing dimension {}".format(dimension)) if algorithm is not None: alg_options = Data([dimension << 4 | algorithm]) self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_ALGORITHM, alg_options, remote_id) if dimension == PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_2_5D: if not dataCheck(height): height = Data([height], 'i') self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.POSITION_Z, height, remote_id) if remote_id not in self._device_mesh: status = self.addIdToDeviceMesh(remote_id) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: del self._device_mesh[remote_id] return status if self._device_mesh[remote_id].has_cloud_firmware(): if timeout is None: timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_POSITIONING if remote_id is None else PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_REMOTE_POSITIONING position_data = PositioningData(0b1) status = self.doPositioningWithData(position_data, remote_id=remote_id, timeout=timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: position.load_bytes(position_data.byte_data) return status status = self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.DO_POSITIONING, remote_id=remote_id, params=Data([1], "H")) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return POZYX_FAILURE if remote_id is None: timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_POSITIONING if timeout is None else timeout status = self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_POS, timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return self.getCoordinates(position) return status else: timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_REMOTE_POSITIONING if timeout is None else timeout if self.waitForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_RX_DATA, timeout) == POZYX_SUCCESS: rx_info = Data([0, 0], 'HB') self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.RX_NETWORK_ID, rx_info) if rx_info[0] == remote_id and rx_info[1] == position.byte_size: status = self.readRXBufferData(position) # necessary to update x, y, z variables of position. position.load( return status else: return POZYX_FAILURE return POZYX_TIMEOUT
[docs] def getPositioningData(self, positioning_data): flags = Data([positioning_data.flags], 'H') flags.load_hex_string() s = 'F,%0.2x,%s,%i\r' % (PozyxRegisters.DO_POSITIONING_WITH_DATA, flags.byte_data, positioning_data.byte_size + 61) # very custom solution... r = self.serialExchange(s) if positioning_data.has_ranges(): amount_of_ranges = int(r[2 * positioning_data.byte_size:2 * positioning_data.byte_size + 2], 16) positioning_data.set_amount_of_ranges(amount_of_ranges) r = r[: positioning_data.byte_size * 2 + 2] if len(positioning_data) > 0: positioning_data.load_bytes(r[2:]) return int(r[0:2], 16)
# TODO needs a lot of refactoring...
[docs] def doPositioningWithData(self, positioning_data, remote_id=None, timeout=None): if remote_id is None: status = self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.DO_POSITIONING) timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_POSITIONING_DATA if timeout is None else timeout if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status status = self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_POS, timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return self.getPositioningData(positioning_data) return status else: timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_REMOTE_POSITIONING_DATA if timeout is None else timeout flags_data = Data([positioning_data.flags], 'H') self.remoteRegFunctionWithoutCheck(remote_id, PozyxRegisters.DO_POSITIONING, flags_data) status = self.waitForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_RX_DATA, timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: rx_info = RXInfo() self.getRxInfo(rx_info) if positioning_data.has_ranges(): amount_of_ranges = int( (rx_info.amount_of_bytes - positioning_data.byte_size) / RangeInformation.byte_size) positioning_data.set_amount_of_ranges(amount_of_ranges) if rx_info.remote_id == remote_id: status = self.readRXBufferData(positioning_data) return status else: return POZYX_FAILURE return status
[docs] def doPositioningSlave(self, position, timeout=None): """Checks whether the device has positioned and if so, reads the position. This is useful for slave devices with a controller that needs to know the device's positions too Args: position: Container for the positioning coordinates. Coordinates object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_POSITIONING if timeout is None else timeout if None not in self._device_mesh: status = self.addIdToDeviceMesh(None) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: del self._device_mesh[None] return status if self._device_mesh[None].has_cloud_firmware(): position_data = PositioningData(0b1) status = self.doPositioningWithDataSlave(position_data, timeout=timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: position.load_bytes(position_data.byte_data) return status else: status = self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_POS, timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return self.getCoordinates(position) return status
[docs] def doPositioningWithDataSlave(self, positioning_data, timeout=None): """Checks whether the device has positioned and if so, reads the position with data. This is useful for slave devices with a controller that needs to know the device's positions (with data) too Args: positioning_data: Container for the positioning coordinates. PositioningData object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_POSITIONING_DATA if timeout is None else timeout status = self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_POS, timeout) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return self.getPositioningData(positioning_data) return status
## @}
[docs] def waitForFlagSafeFast(self, interrupt_flag, timeout_s, interrupt=None): """A fast variation of wait for flag, tripling the polling speed. Useful for ranging on very fast UWB settings. Returns: True, False """ from time import time, sleep if interrupt is None: interrupt = SingleRegister() start = time() while (time() - start) < timeout_s: sleep(PozyxConstants.DELAY_POLLING * 0.33) status = self.getInterruptStatus(interrupt) if (interrupt[0] & interrupt_flag) and status == POZYX_SUCCESS: return True return False
[docs] def checkForFlagFast(self, interrupt_flag, timeout_s, interrupt=None): """A fast variant of checkForFlag, using waitForFLagFast, useful for ranging on very fast UWB settings. Args: interrupt_flag: Flag of interrupt type to check the interrupt register against. timeout_s: duration to wait for the interrupt in seconds interrupt (optional): Container for the interrupt status register data. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if interrupt is None: interrupt = SingleRegister() error_interrupt_mask = PozyxBitmasks.INT_MASK_ERR if self.waitForFlagSafeFast(interrupt_flag | error_interrupt_mask, timeout_s, interrupt): if (interrupt[0] & error_interrupt_mask) == error_interrupt_mask: return POZYX_FAILURE else: return POZYX_SUCCESS else: return PozyxConstants.STATUS_TIMEOUT
[docs] def remoteRegFunctionOnlyData(self, destination, address, params, data): """Performs a remote function without waiting for the acknowledgement. Advanded custom internal use only, you're not expected to use this unless you know what you're doing. """ send_data = Data([0, address] +, 'BB' + params.data_format) status = self.regFunction(PozyxRegisters.WRITE_TX_DATA, send_data, Data([])) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) status = self.sendTXFunction(destination) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status status = self.checkForFlagFast(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_RX_DATA, 1) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: rx_info = RXInfo() self.getRxInfo(rx_info) if rx_info.remote_id == destination and rx_info.amount_of_bytes == 4: return_data = Data([0], 'I') self.readRXBufferData(return_data) return return_data[0] status = self.checkForFlagFast(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_RX_DATA, 1) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: rx_info = RXInfo() self.getRxInfo(rx_info) if rx_info.remote_id == destination and rx_info.amount_of_bytes == 4: return_data = Data([0], 'I') self.readRXBufferData(return_data) return return_data[0]
[docs] def rangingWithoutCheck(self, destination_id, device_range, remote_id=None): if not dataCheck(destination_id): destination_id = NetworkID(destination_id) if destination_id[0] < 0 or destination_id[0] > 0xFFFF: warn("Destination ID should be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF, not {}".format(destination_id[0])) if remote_id is None: return self.doRanging(destination_id, device_range, remote_id=remote_id) distance = self.remoteRegFunctionOnlyData(remote_id, PozyxRegisters.DO_RANGING, destination_id, Data([])) if distance is not None: device_range.distance = distance return POZYX_SUCCESS return POZYX_FAILURE
## \addtogroup sensor_data # @{
[docs] def getSensorMode(self, sensor_mode, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's sensor mode. Args: sensor_mode: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.SENSORS_MODE , sensor_mode, remote_id)
[docs] def getAllSensorData(self, sensor_data, remote_id=None): """Obtains all the Pozyx's sensor data in their default units. Args: sensor_data: Container for the read data. SensorData() or RawSensorData(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.PRESSURE, sensor_data, remote_id)
[docs] def getPressure_Pa(self, pressure, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's pressure sensor data in Pa(pascal). Args: pressure: Container for the read data. Pressure or Data([0], 'I') (Data is DEPRECATED). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.PRESSURE, pressure, remote_id) if pressure.__class__.__name__ == "Data": warn("Using Data instance in getPressure_Pa is deprecated, use Pressure instead", DeprecationWarning) pressure[0] = pressure[0] / PozyxConstants.PRESSURE_DIV_PA return status
[docs] def getMaxLinearAcceleration_mg(self, max_linear_acceleration, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's acceleration sensor data in mg. Args: max_linear_acceleration: Container for the read data. MaxLinearAcceleration. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.MAX_LINEAR_ACCELERATION, max_linear_acceleration, remote_id)
[docs] def getAcceleration_mg(self, acceleration, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's acceleration sensor data in mg. Args: acceleration: Container for the read data. Acceleration(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.ACCELERATION_X, acceleration, remote_id)
[docs] def getMagnetic_uT(self, magnetic, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's magnetic sensor data in uT(microtesla). Args: magnetic: Container for the read data. Magnetic(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.MAGNETIC_X, magnetic, remote_id)
[docs] def getAngularVelocity_dps(self, angular_vel, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's angular velocity sensor data in dps(degrees per second). Args: angular_vel: Container for the read data. AngularVelocity(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.GYRO_X, angular_vel, remote_id)
[docs] def getEulerAngles_deg(self, euler_angles, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's euler angles sensor data in degrees(heading, roll, pitch). Args: euler_angles: Container for the read data. EulerAngles(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.EULER_ANGLE_HEADING, euler_angles, remote_id)
[docs] def getNormalizedQuaternion(self, quaternion, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's normalized quaternion sensor data that is required for ROS. Args: quaternion: Container for the read data. Quaternion(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getQuaternion(quaternion, remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: quaternion.normalize() return status
[docs] def getQuaternion(self, quaternion, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's quaternion sensor data. Args: quaternion: Container for the read data. Quaternion(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.QUATERNION_W, quaternion, remote_id)
[docs] def getLinearAcceleration_mg(self, linear_acceleration, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's linear acceleration sensor data in mg. Args: linear_acceleration: Container for the read data. LinearAcceleration() or Acceleration(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.LINEAR_ACCELERATION_X, linear_acceleration, remote_id)
[docs] def getGravityVector_mg(self, gravity_vector, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's gravity vector sensor data in mg. Args: gravity_vector: Container for the read data. Acceleration(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.GRAVITY_VECTOR_X, gravity_vector, remote_id)
[docs] def getTemperature_c(self, temperature, remote_id=None): """Obtain the Pozyx's temperature sensor data in C(celsius). Args: temperature: Container for the read data. Temperature or Data([0], 'b') (DEPRECATED). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.getRead( PozyxRegisters.TEMPERATURE, temperature, remote_id) if temperature.__class__.__name__ == "Data" or temperature.__class__.__name__ == "SingleRegister": warn("Using Data or SingleRegister instance in getTemperature_c is deprecated, use Temperature instead", DeprecationWarning) temperature[0] = temperature[0] / PozyxConstants.TEMPERATURE_DIV_CELSIUS return status
## @} ## \addtogroup device_list # @{
[docs] def getDeviceListSize(self, device_list_size, remote_id=None): """Obtain the size of Pozyx's list of added devices. Args: device_list_size: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.DEVICE_LIST_SIZE, device_list_size, remote_id)
[docs] def getDeviceIds(self, devices, remote_id=None): """Obtain the IDs of all devices in the Pozyx's device list. You need to make sure to know how many devices are in the list, as an incorrect size of anchors will cause the function to fail. Use getDeviceListSize to know this number. Args: devices: Container for the read data. DeviceList(list_size=size) or Data([0] * size, 'H' * size). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getAnchorIds, getTagIds, getPositioningAnchorIds Example: >> > list_size = SingleRegister() >> > self.getDeviceListSize(list_size) >> > device_list = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) >> > self.getDeviceIds(device_list) >> > print(device_list) '0x60A0, 0x6070, 0x6891' """ if not 0 < len(devices) <= 20: warn("getDeviceIds: size {} not in range".format(len(devices))) list_size = SingleRegister() status = self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) if list_size[0] < len(devices) or status == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE params = Data([0, list_size[0]]) return self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_LIST_IDS, params, devices, remote_id)
[docs] def getAnchorIds(self, anchors, remote_id=None): """Obtain the IDs of the anchors in the Pozyx's device list. You need to make sure to know how many anchors are in the list, as an incorrect size of anchors will cause the function to fail. Args: anchors: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getDeviceIds, getPositioningAnchorIds, getTagIds """ if not 0 < len(anchors) <= 20: warn("getAnchorIds: size {} not in range".format(len(anchors))) list_size = SingleRegister() status = self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) if list_size[0] < len(anchors) or status == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE devices = DeviceList(list_size=list_size) status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_LIST_IDS, Data([]), devices, remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: for i in range(len(anchors)): anchors[i] = 0x0 j = 0 for i in range(list_size[0]): data = Data([0] * 3) status &= self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_INFO, NetworkID(devices[i]), data) # why + 1? if data[2] == PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_MODE + 1: anchors[j] = devices[i] j += 1 # didn't find enough anchors, so the function failed. if j < len(anchors): return POZYX_FAILURE return status
[docs] def getTagIds(self, tags, remote_id=None): """Obtain the IDs of the tags in the Pozyx's device list. You need to make sure to know how many tags are in the list, as an incorrect size of tags will cause the function to fail. Args: tags: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT See Also: getDeviceIds, getAnchorIds, getPositioningAnchorIds """ if not 0 < len(tags) <= 20: warn("getTagIds: size {} not in range".format(len(tags))) list_size = SingleRegister() status = self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) if list_size[0] < len(tags) or status == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE devices = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_LIST_IDS, Data([]), devices, remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: for i in range(len(tags)): tags[i] = 0x0 j = 0 for i in range(list_size[0]): data = Data([0] * 3) status &= self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_INFO, NetworkID(devices[i]), data) # why + 1? if data[2] == PozyxConstants.TAG_MODE + 1: tags[j] = devices[i] j += 1 # didn't find enough tags, so the function failed. if j < len(tags): return POZYX_FAILURE return status
[docs] def getDeviceCoordinates(self, device_id, coordinates, remote_id=None): """Obtain the coordinates of the device with selected ID in the Pozyx's device list. Args: device_id: ID of desired device whose coordinates are of interest. NetworkID() or Data([ID], 'H') or integer ID. coordinates: Container for the read data. Coordinates(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(device_id): device_id = NetworkID(device_id) if device_id[0] < 0 or device_id[0] > 0xFFFF: warn("getDeviceCoordinates: device ID should be between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF, not {}".format(device_id[0])) return self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.GET_DEVICE_COORDINATES, device_id, coordinates, remote_id)
[docs] def doDiscovery(self, discovery_type=PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_ANCHORS_ONLY, slots=3, slot_duration=0.01, remote_id=None): """Performs discovery on the Pozyx, which will let it discover other Pozyx devices with the same UWB settings in range. Args: discovery_type (optional): Type of devices to discover, defaults to discovering the anchors. PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_ALL_DEVICES, PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_TAGS_ONLY are alternatives. slots (optional): Number of timeslots used in attempt to discover devices. Default is 3 slots. slot_duration (optional): Duration in seconds of each timeslot used in the discovery process. Default is 10 ms. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if discovery_type not in PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_TYPES: warn("doDiscovery: unknown discovery type {}".format(discovery_type)) if not 1 < slots < 10: warn("doDiscovery: slots should be between 1 and 10, not {}".format(slots)) if not (slot_duration == 0 or slot_duration >= 0.005): warn("doDiscovery: slot duration should be higher than 5ms, not {}ms".format(slot_duration * 1000)) self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) params = Data([discovery_type, slots, int(slot_duration * 1000)]) status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.DO_DISCOVERY, params, remote_id=remote_id) if status == POZYX_FAILURE: return status timeout_s = slot_duration * (slots + 20) if remote_id is None: return self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_FUNC, timeout_s) else: # give the remote device some time to perform its discovery. sleep(timeout_s) return status
[docs] def doOptimalDiscovery(self, discovery_type=PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_ALL_DEVICES, slots=3, timeout=None): """Performs a discovery with slot_duration optimised for the device's UWB settings.""" self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) timeout = PozyxConstants.TIMEOUT_OPTIMAL_DISCOVERY if timeout is None else timeout params = Data([discovery_type, slots, 0]) status = self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.DO_DISCOVERY, params) if status != PozyxConstants.STATUS_SUCCESS: return status return self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_FUNC, timeout)
[docs] def doDiscoveryTags(self, slots=3, slot_duration=0.01, remote_id=None): """Performs tag discovery on the Pozyx, which will let it discover Pozyx tags with the same UWB settings in range. Args: slots (optional): Number of timeslots used in attempt to discover devices. Default is 3 slots. slot_duration (optional): Duration in seconds of each timeslot used in the discovery process. Default is 10 ms. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.doDiscovery(discovery_type=PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_TAGS_ONLY, slots=slots, slot_duration=slot_duration, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def doDiscoveryAnchors(self, slots=3, slot_duration=0.01, remote_id=None): """Performs anchor discovery on the Pozyx, which will let it discover Pozyx anchors with the same UWB settings in range. Args: slots (optional): Number of timeslots used in attempt to discover devices. Default is 3 slots. slot_duration (optional): Duration in seconds of each timeslot used in the discovery process. Default is 10 ms. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.doDiscovery(discovery_type=PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_ANCHORS_ONLY, slots=slots, slot_duration=slot_duration, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def doDiscoveryAll(self, slots=3, slot_duration=0.01, remote_id=None): """Performs general discovery on the Pozyx, which will let it discover both Pozyx tags and anchors with the same UWB settings in range. Args: slots (optional): Number of timeslots used in attempt to discover devices. Default is 3 slots. slot_duration (optional): Duration in seconds of each timeslot used in the discovery process. Default is 10 ms. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.doDiscovery(discovery_type=PozyxConstants.DISCOVERY_ALL_DEVICES, slots=slots, slot_duration=slot_duration, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def doAnchorCalibration(self, dimension, num_measurements, anchors, heights=None, remote_id=None): """Performs automatic anchor calibration on the Pozyx. Using manual calibration over automatic calibration is highly recommended, as this will not only be less robust to use, the results will also be worse than a carefully accurately manually measured setup. Using a laser measurer for this purpose is also adviced. When insisting on using automatic calibration, make sure that all devices are in range and able to communicate with the device. Try ranging with all devices first, and make sure they're on the same UWB settings. Args: dimension: Dimension for the automatic calibration. When 2.5D, make sure to pass along heights as well. num_measurements: Number of measurements to use in calibration. The anchors: List of anchor IDs that will be used in the calibration. DeviceList() or [anchor_id1, anchor_id2, ...] remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ warn("Autocalibration will be removed from the library in favor of the much better external functionality in the Pozyx webapp.") if not dimension in PozyxConstants.DIMENSIONS: warn('doAnchorCalibration: wrong dimension {}'.format(dimension)) if not num_measurements > 0: warn("doAnchorCalibration: a negative number of measurements isn\'t allowed") if not 3 <= len(anchors) <= 6: warn("doAnchorCalibration: num anchors {} out of range 3-6".format(len(anchors))) if not dataCheck(anchors): anchors = DeviceList(anchors) if dimension == PozyxConstants.DIMENSION_2_5D: if heights is None: heights = [2000] * len(anchors) for i in range(len(anchors)): anchor_coordinates = Coordinates(0, 0, heights[i]) anchor = DeviceCoordinates(anchors[i], 0x1, anchor_coordinates) self.addDevice(anchor, remote_id) self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) params = Data([dimension, num_measurements] +, 'BB' + anchors.data_format) status = self.useFunction(0xC2, params, remote_id=remote_id) if remote_id is None: return self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_FUNC, 25000) else: # give the remote device some time to perform calibration # has to be thoroughly tested sleep(1 * len(anchors) * num_measurements / 20) return status
[docs] def clearDevices(self, remote_id=None): """Clears the Pozyx's device list. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.CLEAR_DEVICES, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def addDevice(self, device_coordinates, remote_id=None): """Adds a device to the Pozyx's device list. Can be either a tag or anchor. Args: device_coordinates: Device's ID, flag, and coordinates structure. DeviceCoordinates(ID, flag, Coordinates(x, y, z)) or [ID, flag, x, y, z] remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(device_coordinates): device_coordinates = DeviceCoordinates(device_coordinates[0], device_coordinates[ 1], Coordinates(device_coordinates[2], device_coordinates[3], device_coordinates[4])) return self.useFunction(PozyxRegisters.ADD_DEVICE, device_coordinates, Data([]), remote_id)
[docs] def saveNetwork(self, remote_id=None): """Saves the Pozyx's device list to its flash memory. This means that upon a reset, the Pozyx will still have the same configured device list. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ status = self.saveConfiguration(PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_NETWORK, remote_id=remote_id) status &= self.saveRegisters([PozyxRegisters.POSITIONING_NUMBER_OF_ANCHORS],remote_id=remote_id) return status
[docs] def configureAnchors(self, anchor_list, anchor_select=PozyxConstants.ANCHOR_SELECT_AUTO, remote_id=None): """Configures a set of anchors as the relevant anchors on a device Args: anchor_list (list): Python list of either DeviceCoordinates or [ID, flag, x, y, z] anchor_select (optional): How to select the anchors in positioning remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ status = POZYX_SUCCESS status &= self.clearDevices(remote_id) for anchor in anchor_list: if not dataCheck(anchor): anchor = DeviceCoordinates( anchor[0], anchor[1], Coordinates(anchor[2], anchor[3], anchor[4])) if anchor.flag != 0x1: warn("ID 0x%0.4x added as tag, is this intentional?" % remote_id) status &= self.addDevice(anchor, remote_id) if len(anchor_list) < 3 or len(anchor_list) > 16: warn("Not enough anchors to do positioning") return status return status & self.setSelectionOfAnchors(anchor_select, len(anchor_list), remote_id)
[docs] def removeDevice(self, device_id, remote_id=None): """Removes a device from the Pozyx's device list, keeping the rest of the list intact Args: device_id: ID that needs to be removed. NetworkID or integer. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ if dataCheck(device_id): device_id = device_id[0] status = POZYX_SUCCESS list_size = SingleRegister() status &= self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) device_list = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) status &= self.getDeviceIds(device_list, remote_id) if device_id not in device_list or status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return POZYX_FAILURE devices = [] for id_ in device_list: if id_ == device_id: continue coordinates = Coordinates() status = self.getDeviceCoordinates(id_, coordinates, remote_id) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status devices.append(DeviceCoordinates(id_, 0x1, coordinates)) anchor_select_mode = SingleRegister() status = self.getAnchorSelectionMode(anchor_select_mode, remote_id) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status return self.configureAnchors( devices, anchor_select=anchor_select_mode, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def changeDeviceCoordinates(self, device_id, new_coordinates, remote_id=None): """Changes a device's coordinates in the Pozyx's device list, keeping the rest of the list intact Args: device_id: ID that needs to be removed. NetworkID or integer. new_coordinates: new coordinates for the device remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ if dataCheck(device_id): device_id = device_id[0] if not dataCheck(new_coordinates): new_coordinates = Coordinates(x=new_coordinates[0], y=new_coordinates[ 1], z=new_coordinates[2]) status = POZYX_SUCCESS list_size = SingleRegister() status &= self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) device_list = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) status &= self.getDeviceIds(device_list, remote_id) if device_id not in device_list or status is not POZYX_SUCCESS: return POZYX_FAILURE devices = [] for id_ in device_list: if id_ == device_id: devices.append(DeviceCoordinates(id_, 0x1, new_coordinates)) continue coordinates = Coordinates() self.getDeviceCoordinates(id_, coordinates, remote_id) devices.append(DeviceCoordinates(id_, 0x1, coordinates)) anchor_select_mode = SingleRegister() self.getAnchorSelectionMode(anchor_select_mode, remote_id) self.configureAnchors( devices, anchor_select=anchor_select_mode, remote_id=remote_id)
[docs] def printDeviceInfo(self, remote_id=None): """Prints a Pozyx's basic info, such as firmware. Mostly for debugging """ firmware = SingleRegister() status = self.getFirmwareVersion(firmware, remote_id) if remote_id is None: network_id = NetworkID() self.getNetworkId(network_id) else: network_id = NetworkID(remote_id) print("Device information for device 0x%0.4x" % if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: print("\t- Error: Couldn't retrieve device information") return print("\t- Firmware version %i.%i" % (firmware.value >> 4, firmware.value % 0x10))
[docs] def printDeviceList(self, remote_id=None, include_coordinates=True, prefix="\t- "): """Prints a Pozyx's device list. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID include_coordinates (bool, optional): Whether to include coordinates in the prints prefix (str, optional): Prefix to prepend the device list Returns: None """ list_size = SingleRegister() status = self.getDeviceListSize(list_size, remote_id) if list_size[0] == 0: return device_list = DeviceList(list_size=list_size[0]) status &= self.getDeviceIds(device_list, remote_id) if status is POZYX_FAILURE: print("Couldn't read device list of Pozyx") return for device_id in device_list: if include_coordinates: coordinates = Coordinates() self.getDeviceCoordinates(device_id, coordinates, remote_id) print("%s %s" % (prefix, DeviceCoordinates(device_id, 0x1, coordinates))) else: print("%s 0x%0.4x" % (prefix, device_id))
## @} ## \addtogroup communication_functions # @{
[docs] def saveUWBSettings(self, remote_id=None): """Saves the Pozyx's UWB settings to its flash memory. This means that upon a reset, the Pozyx will still have the same configured UWB settings. As of writing, PozyxRegisters.UWB_GAIN is not savable yet. Args: remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.saveRegisters(PozyxRegisters.ALL_UWB_REGISTERS, remote_id)
[docs] def savePositioningSettings(self, remote_id=None): return self.saveRegisters(PozyxRegisters.ALL_POSITIONING_REGISTERS, remote_id)
[docs] def setNetworkId(self, network_id, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's network ID. If using this remotely, make sure to change the network ID to the new ID in subsequent code, as its ID will have changed and using the old ID will not work. Args: network_id: New Network ID. integer ID or NetworkID(ID) or SingleRegister(ID, size=2) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(network_id): network_id = NetworkID(network_id) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.NETWORK_ID, network_id, remote_id)
# TODO find new group for these four functions?
[docs] def remoteRegFunctionWithoutCheck(self, destination, address, params): send_data = Data([0, address] +, 'BB' + params.data_format) status = self.regFunction(PozyxRegisters.WRITE_TX_DATA, send_data, Data([])) if status == POZYX_FAILURE: return status self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) status = self.sendTXFunction(destination) if status == POZYX_FAILURE: return status self.checkForFlag(PozyxBitmasks.INT_STATUS_FUNC, 0.02) return status
[docs] def setUWBSettings(self, uwb_settings, remote_id=None, save_to_flash=False): """ Set the Pozyx's UWB settings. If using this remotely, remember to change the local UWB settings as well to make sure you are still able to communicate with the remote device. Args: uwb_settings: The new UWB settings. UWBSettings() or [channel, bitrate, prf, plen, gain_db] Kwargs: remote_id: Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(uwb_settings): uwb_settings = UWBSettings(uwb_settings[0], uwb_settings[1], uwb_settings[2], uwb_settings[3], uwb_settings[4]) gain_register = Data([uwb_settings.gain_db], 'f') uwb_registers = Data([, uwb_settings.bitrate + (uwb_settings.prf << 6), uwb_settings.plen]) self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.UWB_CHANNEL, uwb_registers, remote_id, 2 * PozyxConstants.DELAY_LOCAL_WRITE, 2 * PozyxConstants.DELAY_REMOTE_WRITE) if remote_id is None: status = self.setUWBGain(gain_register, remote_id) if save_to_flash: status &= self.saveUWBSettings() else: status = self.doFunctionOnDifferentUWB(self.setUWBGain, uwb_settings, gain_register, remote_id=remote_id) if save_to_flash: status &= self.doFunctionOnDifferentUWB(self.saveUWBSettings, uwb_settings, remote_id=remote_id) return status
[docs] def checkUWBSettings(self, suspected_uwb_settings, remote_id=None, equal_gain=True): uwb = UWBSettings() if remote_id is None: self.getUWBSettings(uwb) else: self.doFunctionOnDifferentUWB(self.getUWBSettings, suspected_uwb_settings, uwb, remote_id=remote_id) if equal_gain is not True: uwb.gain_db = suspected_uwb_settings.gain_db return uwb == suspected_uwb_settings
[docs] def doFunctionOnDifferentUWB(self, function, uwb_settings, *args, **kwargs): original_uwb_settings = UWBSettings() self.getUWBSettings(original_uwb_settings) self.setUWBSettings(uwb_settings) return_value = function(*args, **kwargs) self.setUWBSettings(original_uwb_settings) return return_value
[docs] def setUWBChannel(self, channel_num, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's UWB channel. If using this remotely, remember to change the local UWB channel as well to make sure you are still able to communicate with the remote device. Args: channel_num: The new UWB channel, being either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7. See PozyxRegisters.UWB_CHANNEL register. integer channel or SingleRegister(channel) remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(channel_num): channel_num = SingleRegister(channel_num) if not channel_num[0] in PozyxConstants.ALL_UWB_CHANNELS: warn("setUWBChannel: {} is wrong channel number".format(channel_num[0])) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.UWB_CHANNEL, channel_num, remote_id)
[docs] def setUWBGain(self, uwb_gain_db, remote_id=None): """Set the Pozyx's UWB transceiver gain. Args: uwb_gain_db: The new transceiver gain in dB, a value between 0.0 and 33.0. float gain or Data([gain], 'f'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if not dataCheck(uwb_gain_db): uwb_gain_db = Data([uwb_gain_db], 'f') if not uwb_gain_db[0] >= 0.0 and uwb_gain_db[0] <= 33: warn("setUWBGain: TX gain {}dB not in range (0-33dB)".format(uwb_gain_db[0])) doublegain_db = Data([int(2.0 * uwb_gain_db[0] + 0.5)]) return self.setWrite(PozyxRegisters.UWB_GAIN, doublegain_db, remote_id)
[docs] def setTxPower(self, txgain_db, remote_id=None): """DEPRECATED: use getUWBGain instead. Set the Pozyx's UWB transceiver gain. Args: txgain_db: The new transceiver gain in dB, a value between 0.0 and 33.0. float gain or Data([gain], 'f'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ warn("setTxPower is deprecated, use setUWBGain instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.setUWBGain(txgain_db, remote_id)
[docs] def getNetworkId(self, network_id): """Obtains the Pozyx's network ID. Args: network_id: Container for the read data. NetworkID() or SingleRegister(size=2) or Data([0], 'H'). Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ return self.regRead(PozyxRegisters.NETWORK_ID, network_id)
[docs] def getUWBSettings(self, UWB_settings, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's UWB settings. Args: UWB_settings: Container for the read data. UWBSettings(). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ # The UWB data register size is 4. tmp_data = Data([0] * 4) status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.UWB_CHANNEL, tmp_data, remote_id) UWB_settings.load( return status
[docs] def getUWBChannel(self, channel_num, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's UWB channel. Args: channel_num: Container for the read data. SingleRegister or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ channel_num[0] = 0 status = self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.UWB_CHANNEL, channel_num, remote_id) if channel_num[0] == 0 or status == POZYX_FAILURE: return POZYX_FAILURE return status
[docs] def getUWBGain(self, uwb_gain_db, remote_id=None): """Obtains the Pozyx's transmitter UWB gain in dB, as a float. Args: uwb_gain_db: Container for the read data. Data([0], 'f'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ doublegain_db = SingleRegister() status = self.getRead( PozyxRegisters.UWB_GAIN, doublegain_db, remote_id) uwb_gain_db[0] = 0.5 * doublegain_db[0] return status
[docs] def getTxPower(self, txgain_db, remote_id=None): """DEPRECATED: use getUWBGain instead. Obtains the Pozyx's transmitter UWB gain in dB, as a float. Args: txgain_db: Container for the read data. Data([0], 'f'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ warn("getTxPower is deprecated, use getUWBGain instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.getUWBGain(txgain_db, remote_id)
[docs] def getLastNetworkId(self, network_id, remote_id=None): """Obtain the network ID of the last device Pozyx communicated with. Args: network_id: Container for the read data. NetworkID() or SingleRegister(size=2) or Data([0], 'H'). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.RX_NETWORK_ID, network_id, remote_id)
[docs] def getLastDataLength(self, data_length, remote_id=None): """Obtain the size of the most recent data packet received by the Pozyx. Args: data_length: Container for the read data. SingleRegister() or Data([0]). remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ return self.getRead(PozyxRegisters.RX_DATA_LENGTH, data_length, remote_id)
## @}
[docs] def saveConfiguration(self, save_type, registers=None, remote_id=None): """General function to save the Pozyx's configuration to its flash memory. This constitutes three different Pozyx configurations to save, and each have their specialised derived function: POZYX_FLASH_REGS: This saves the passed Pozyx registers if they're writable, see saveRegisters. PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_ANCHOR_IDS: This saves the anchors used during positioning, see saveAnchorIds. POZYX_FLASH_NETWORK: This saves the device list to the Pozyx device, see saveNetwork. It is recommended to use the derived functions, as these are not just easier to use, but also more descriptive than this general save function. DISCLAIMER: Make sure to not abuse this function in your code, as the flash memory only has a finite number of writecycles available, adhere to the Arduino's mentality in using flash memory. Args: save_type: Type of configuration to save. See above. registers (optional): Registers to save to the flash memory. Data([register1, register2, ...]) or [register1, register2, ...] These registers have to be writable. Saving the UWB gain is currently not working. remote_id (optional): Remote Pozyx ID. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if registers is None: registers = Data([]) if not dataCheck(registers): registers = Data(registers) if save_type not in PozyxConstants.ALL_FLASH_SAVE_TYPES: warn("saveConfiguration: unknown save flash type {}".format(save_type)) if save_type == PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_REGISTERS and len(registers) == 0: warn("saveConfiguration: trying to save registers but none given") if save_type != PozyxConstants.FLASH_SAVE_REGISTERS and len(registers) > 0: warn("saveConfiguration: registers accidentally passed as parameters for non-register save") self.getInterruptStatus(SingleRegister()) params = Data([save_type] + status = self.useFunction( PozyxRegisters.SAVE_FLASH_MEMORY, params, remote_id=remote_id) if status != POZYX_SUCCESS: return status # give the device some time to save to flash memory sleep(PozyxConstants.DELAY_FLASH) return status