Source code for pypozyx.pozyx_serial

"""pypozyx.pozyx_serial - contains the serial interface with Pozyx through PozyxSerial."""
from time import sleep
from pypozyx.core import PozyxConnectionError

from pypozyx.definitions.constants import (POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE,

from pypozyx.lib import PozyxLib
from pypozyx.structures.generic import SingleRegister
from serial import Serial, VERSION as PYSERIAL_VERSION, SerialException
from import comports

from warnings import warn

# \addtogroup auxiliary_serial
# @{

[docs]def list_serial_ports(): """Prints the open serial ports line per line""" warn("list_serial_ports now deprecated, use print_all_serial_ports instead", DeprecationWarning) ports = comports() for port in ports: print(port)
[docs]def get_serial_ports(): """Returns the open serial ports""" return comports()
[docs]def is_pozyx_port(port): """Returns whether the port is a Pozyx device""" try: if "Pozyx Labs" in port.manufacturer: return True except TypeError: pass try: if "Pozyx" in port.product: return True except TypeError: pass try: if "0483:" in port.hwid: return True except TypeError: pass return False
[docs]def get_port_object(device): """Returns the PySerial port object from a given port path""" for port in get_serial_ports(): if port.device == device: return port
[docs]def is_pozyx(device): """Returns whether the device is a recognized Pozyx device""" port = get_port_object(device) if port is not None and is_pozyx_port(port): return True return False
[docs]def get_pozyx_ports(): """Returns the Pozyx serial ports. Windows only. Needs driver installed""" pozyx_ports = [] for port in get_serial_ports(): if is_pozyx_port(port): pozyx_ports.append(port.device) return pozyx_ports
[docs]def get_first_pozyx_serial_port(): """Returns the first encountered Pozyx serial port's identifier""" for port in get_serial_ports(): if is_pozyx_port(port): return port.device
[docs]def get_pozyx_ports_windows(): """Returns the Pozyx serial ports. Windows only. Needs driver installed""" ports = get_serial_ports() pozyx_ports = [] for port in ports: if "STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port" in port.description: pozyx_ports.append(port.device)
[docs]def is_correct_pyserial_version(): """Returns whether the pyserial version is supported""" version_tags = [int(version_tag) for version_tag in PYSERIAL_VERSION.split('.')] if version_tags[0] >= 3: if version_tags[0] == 3 and version_tags[1] <= 3: warn("PySerial out of date, please update to v3.4 if possible", stacklevel=0) return True return False
# @}
[docs]class PozyxSerial(PozyxLib): """This class provides the Pozyx Serial interface, and opens and locks the serial port to use with Pozyx. All functionality from PozyxLib and PozyxCore is included. Args: port (str): Name of the serial port. On UNIX this will be '/dev/ttyACMX', on Windows this will be 'COMX', with X a random number. baudrate (optional): the baudrate of the serial port. Default value is 115200. timeout (optional): timeout for the serial port communication in seconds. Default is 0.1s or 100ms. print_output (optional): boolean for printing the serial exchanges, mainly for debugging purposes suppress_warnings (optional): boolean for suppressing warnings in the Pozyx use, usage not recommended debug_trace (optional): boolean for printing the trace on bad serial init (DEPRECATED) show_trace (optional): boolean for printing the trace on bad serial init (DEPRECATED) Example usage: >>> pozyx = PozyxSerial('COMX') # Windows >>> pozyx = PozyxSerial('/dev/ttyACMX', print_output=True) # Linux and OSX. Also puts debug output on. Finding the serial port can be easily done with the following code: >>> import >>> print[0] Putting one and two together, automating the correct port selection with one Pozyx attached: >>> import >>> pozyx = PozyxSerial([0]) """ # \addtogroup core # @{ def __init__(self, port, baudrate=115200, timeout=0.1, write_timeout=0.1, print_output=False, debug_trace=False, show_trace=False, suppress_warnings=False): """Initializes the PozyxSerial object. See above for details.""" super(PozyxSerial, self).__init__() self.print_output = print_output if debug_trace is True or show_trace is True: if not suppress_warnings: warn("debug_trace or show_trace are on their way out, exceptions of the type PozyxException are now raised.", DeprecationWarning) self.suppress_warnings = suppress_warnings self.connectToPozyx(port, baudrate, timeout, write_timeout) sleep(0.25) self.validatePozyx()
[docs] def connectToPozyx(self, port, baudrate, timeout, write_timeout): """Attempts to connect to the Pozyx via a serial connection""" self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.timeout = timeout self.write_timeout = write_timeout try: if is_correct_pyserial_version(): if not is_pozyx(port) and not self.suppress_warnings: warn("The passed device is not a recognized Pozyx device, is %s" % get_port_object(port).description, stacklevel=2) self.ser = Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout, write_timeout=write_timeout) else: if not self.suppress_warnings: warn("PySerial version %s not supported, please upgrade to 3.0 or (prefferably) higher" % PYSERIAL_VERSION, stacklevel=0) self.ser = Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout, writeTimeout=write_timeout) except SerialException as exc: raise PozyxConnectionError("Wrong or busy serial port, SerialException: {}".format(str(exc))) except Exception as exc: raise PozyxConnectionError("Couldn't connect to Pozyx, {}: {}".format(exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc)))
[docs] def validatePozyx(self): """Validates whether the connected device is indeed a Pozyx device""" whoami = SingleRegister() if self.getWhoAmI(whoami) != POZYX_SUCCESS: raise PozyxConnectionError("Connected to device, but couldn't read serial data. Is it a Pozyx?") if whoami.value != 0x43: raise PozyxConnectionError("POZYX_WHO_AM_I returned 0x%0.2x, something is wrong with Pozyx." % whoami.value)
# @}
[docs] def regWrite(self, address, data): """ Writes data to the Pozyx registers, starting at a register address, if registers are writable. Args: address: Register address to start writing at. data: Data to write to the Pozyx registers. Has to be ByteStructure-derived object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ data.load_hex_string() index = 0 runs = int(data.byte_size / MAX_SERIAL_SIZE) for i in range(runs): s = 'W,%0.2x,%s\r' % ( address + index, data.byte_data[2 * index: 2 * (index + MAX_SERIAL_SIZE)]) index += MAX_SERIAL_SIZE try: self.ser.write(s.encode()) except SerialException: return POZYX_FAILURE # delay(POZYX_DELAY_LOCAL_WRITE) s = 'W,%0.2x,%s\r' % (address + index, data.byte_data[2 * index:]) try: self.ser.write(s.encode()) except SerialException: return POZYX_FAILURE return POZYX_SUCCESS
[docs] def serialExchange(self, s): """ Auxiliary. Performs a serial write to and read from the Pozyx. Args: s: Serial message to send to the Pozyx Returns: Serial message the Pozyx returns, stripped from 'D,' at its start and NL+CR at the end. """ self.ser.write(s.encode()) response = self.ser.readline().decode() if self.print_output: print('The response to %s is %s.' % (s.strip(), response.strip())) if len(response) == 0: raise SerialException if response[0] == 'D': return response[2:-2] raise SerialException
[docs] def regRead(self, address, data): """ Reads data from the Pozyx registers, starting at a register address, if registers are readable. Args: address: Register address to start writing at. data: Data to write to the Pozyx registers. Has to be ByteStructure-derived object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ runs = int(data.byte_size / MAX_SERIAL_SIZE) r = '' for i in range(runs): s = 'R,%0.2x,%i\r' % ( address + i * MAX_SERIAL_SIZE, MAX_SERIAL_SIZE) try: r += self.serialExchange(s) except SerialException: return POZYX_FAILURE s = 'R,%0.2x,%i\r' % ( address + runs * MAX_SERIAL_SIZE, data.byte_size - runs * MAX_SERIAL_SIZE) try: r += self.serialExchange(s) except SerialException: return POZYX_FAILURE data.load_bytes(r) return POZYX_SUCCESS
[docs] def regFunction(self, address, params, data): """ Performs a register function on the Pozyx, if the address is a register function. Args: address: Register function address of function to perform. params: Parameters for the register function. Has to be ByteStructure-derived object. data: Container for the data the register function returns. Has to be ByteStructure-derived object. Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE """ params.load_hex_string() s = 'F,%0.2x,%s,%i\r' % (address, params.byte_data, data.byte_size + 1) try: r = self.serialExchange(s) except SerialException: return POZYX_FAILURE if len(data) > 0: data.load_bytes(r[2:]) return int(r[0:2], 16)
[docs] def waitForFlag(self, interrupt_flag, timeout_s, interrupt=None): """ Waits for a certain interrupt flag to be triggered, indicating that that type of interrupt occured. Args: interrupt_flag: Flag indicating interrupt type. timeout_s: time in seconds that POZYX_INT_STATUS will be checked for the flag before returning POZYX_TIMEOUT. Kwargs: interrupt: Container for the POZYX_INT_STATUS data Returns: POZYX_SUCCESS, POZYX_FAILURE, POZYX_TIMEOUT """ if interrupt is None: interrupt = SingleRegister() return self.waitForFlagSafe(interrupt_flag, timeout_s, interrupt)